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Your ideal destination to automate your day to day manual operations and controls such as switching fans, lights, TV and much more…
About Us
One Touch Of A Button Makes Your Whole Environment Different
Advanced technologies of 21 century are affordable and are now available to everyone in this globe to use, enjoy and live a comfortable life. We are converting all manual operations into remotely controlled operations which can be operated without any hassles of existing wiring connectivity.
Simply add a device in each room, live a comfortable life by remotely controlling Lights, Fans, TVs etc..
Is these new technologies limited to controlling only with remote? Well, not really. We can control, program and set timers to function at your fingertips using IoT. We provide mobile application to control the devices independently by each family member. We also use touch screens and further program the entire home devices by Smart Home Technologies.
Remotely access any device and manage its switching operation from anywhere, anytime.
Access your devices from Mobile App available in Phones and Tablets.
Become the master of your home by controlling your devices through Voice Commands.
Our Offerings

Control Switching of Lights, Fans, TV, AC, Refrigerator and many such devices.

Detect Gas leakage, Smoke detection, Over head Water tank overflow detection, Sump water level indicator and many more.